Things to do in Bonito: The 30 Best City Attractions and Activities
Sobre a autor: Thiago Araújo vive em Bonito/MS há 10 anos, conhece o melhor da cidade e é proprietário da agência de Turismo Roteiro Bonito MS.
Want to know what to do in Bonitothe ecotourism paradise of Brazil? Just continue with us in this super practical guide for you to better organize your travel itinerary to Bonito.
First of all, you should know that this is one of the best destinations for tourism in Brazil. You will encounter crystal clear waters, exuberant waterfalls, grutas instigantes, vegetação de cair o queixo e muita vida selvagem, além de eventos inesquecíveis também.
In this sense, for lovers of nature and a good adventure, the Bonito region in Mato Grosso do Sul is one of the best travel experiences in Brazil.
É por isso que nós, da agência Roteiro Bonito MS, preparamos este guia sobre o que fazer em Bonito, um dos lugares mais incríveis do Brasil. Ao todo, são 30 atrações para você curtir a cidade e se apaixonar por cada atividade.
Vem com a gente, que no caminho te mostramos tudo sobre o que fazer em Bonito/MS!
Dica: Para fazer a reserva das atividades, confira a nossa página de passeios em Bonito e Pantanal.
Com certeza, encontrará o que procura!
Resumo das Atrações para Fazer em Bonito

Anhumas Abyss (Abismo Anhumas)
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Natural Aquarium Bonito (Aquário Natural Bonito)
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Balneário do Sol
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Boca da Onça
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Balneário Ilha Bonita
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Balneário Municipal de Bonito
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Buraco das Araras
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Estância Mimosa
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Rio do Peixe Waterfalls
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Blue Lake Grotto (Gruta do Lago Azul)
Consultar PreçoSaiba agora quanto ficará sua viagem à Bonito
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O que fazer em Bonito, no Mato Grosso do Sul: 30 atrações em Bonito/MS + dicas imperdíveis!
First of all, you should know that Bonito has only become an ecotourism destination thanks to environmental preservation and safety protocols for the activities. After all, who doesn't like to visit a city so rich in fauna and flora and so well preserved?
A propósito, um desses protocolos inclui um número reduzido de visitantes para cada grupo de atividade. Assim, todos aproveitam as belezas desse lugar e Bonito continua bonito o ano todo!
For you to enjoy it too, we made a list with 30 atrações em Bonito in alphabetical order for you to choose which ones to add to your travel itinerary.
São grutas, flutuações, banhos de rio, passeio de bote, contemplação – e tudo isso em uma água totalmente límpida e transparente.
Vamos ao resumo dos melhores passeios em Bonito MS:
- Anhumas Abyss (Abismo Anhumas)
- Bonito Natural Aquarium
- Balneário do Sol
- Ilha Bonita
- Balneário Municipal de Bonito
- Balneário Nascente Azul
- Balneário Refúgio da Barra
- Barra do Sucuri
- Bio Park Bonito
- Boca da Onça
- Buoy Cross Bonito
- Bosque das Águas
- Buraco das Araras em Bonito
- Rio do Peixe Waterfalls
- Ceita Corê
- Eco Park Porto da Ilha
- Estância Mimosa
- Nascente Azul Float (Flutuação Nascente Azul)
- Floating in the Ecological Retreat Rio da Prata
- Floating in the Sucuri River (Flutuação no Rio Sucuri)
- Blue Lake Grotto (Gruta do Lago Azul)
- Mimoso Grotto (Gruta do Mimoso)
- Gruta da Catedral (antiga Gruta São Mateus)
- São Miguel Grotto (Grutas de São Miguel)
- Mysterious Lagoon (Lagoa Misteriosa)
- Diving Rio da Prata
- Waterfalls Park (Parque das Cachoeiras)
- Praia da Figueira
- Projeto Jibóia
- Serra da Bodoquena
Obs.: todas essas atividades são pagas, mas você também pode conferir o que fazer em Bonito de graçaYou can also visit Liberdade Square and the Casa do Vidro (Glass House), which can help complement your itinerary!
Antes que você pergunte: é possível visitar Bonito sem guia? Sim, clique no link anterior para ler mais sobre este tópico, ou siga a leitura caso queira ler sobre os melhores passeios com guia ou sem.
Confira abaixo as principais atrações em Bonito MS!
1. Abyss Anhumas

Essa não é uma atração para qualquer bolso.
The Anhumas Abyss (Abismo Anhumas) is an adventure into a cave, 23 km from the center of Bonito/MS. It was discovered by a farmhand in the 1970s and has been open for tourism since 1999.
De início, o visitante precisa ir até o Centro de Treinamento do Abismo Anhumas no dia anterior para assinar os termos de compromisso e provar a roupa de Neoprene e o equipamento da atividade (caso tenha optado pela flutuação).
After this process, it's time to embark on the adventure that could be the most exciting of your life: descending 72m in height, contemplating one of the most beautiful limestone formations ever seen and a crystal clear lake!
Before the technique used for the descent and ascent in the Anhumas Abyss (Abismo Anhumas) was rappelling, which required a little physical effort.
Now the descents and ascents are made through an electric lifting system and require zero physical effort because they are small vertical technical chairs? similar to rappelling. Thus, the course time has been reduced.
When you start the tour, there is a narrow crevice that, in the course of the descent, gradually opens up. From then on you already have a breathtaking view of the limestone abysses and the crystal clear water.
Ideal pass for all adventurers, and you don't need to know anything about rappelling for it, as you will be taught on the spot. And even if you have no practice at all, you can just be hoisted up and down the cave with the help of equipment. It's worth a try!Anhumas Abyss (Abismo Anhumas)
2. Natural Aquarium Bonito

The name Natural Aquarium Bonito (Aquário Natural Bonito) does justice to the place. Its location is Baía Bonita, a stunning ecological reserve, which houses the Aquário Natural water park, full of fish and crystalline waters.
Os visitantes encontram um visual surreal da paisagem, enquanto caminham por mais de 1000 metros entre a mata ciliar e a Floating in the Natural Aquarium.
When they reach Rio Formosinho and Rio Formoso, tourists can do zip-lining and contemplate the colorful underwater nature.
Então, se você não sabe o que fazer em Bonito/MS com crianças, saiba que a flutuação no Aquário Natural pode ser feito o ano inteiro, mas é gratuito para os pequenos de 8 a 12 anos durante a baixa temporada.
If you love floating, take these two tips here: don't use repellent or sunscreen while floating.
In addition, if your itinerary is short, try combining the tours at the Natural Aquarium with Eco Park, which you will see later in this article.
The flotation in the Bonito Natural Aquarium is one of the most sought after by visitors because it is an activity at the source of the river. Before the float, you will receive all the necessary equipment and go through a training session with the instructor, so that everything goes well!Floating in the Natural Aquarium
3. Balneário do Sol

Se você ainda não sabe o que fazer em Bonito/MS com crianças, a dica é o Balneário do Sol (get to know).
The place has a rich structure to receive travelers, including kiosks, barbecue grills, a restaurant, a playground, and sports courts.
The diversity of fish is impressive. There, you can see the famous piraputanga, the symbol of Bonito, as well as curimbas and dourados.
Added to this, the scenic beauty of the resort invites many photos, even more, if accompanied by the animals of the region, such as monkeys and buffaloes.
O melhor de tudo é que essa atividade é realmente para todas as idades e sem horário exato para visitá-lo.
Balneário do Sol was specially created for the fun of several families, all in contact with nature and enjoying the activities Balneário do Sol offers. Of course, all of its attractions offer fun for both groups and individuals, so you won't regret it!Balneário do Sol
4. Balneário Ilha Bonita

Another Balneário to have something to do in Bonito with the kids. Ilha Bonita é bastante arborizada e, por isso mesmo, muito relaxante para a família toda, incluindo bebês, crianças, adolescentes, grávidas e terceira idade.
Located on the banks of the Rio Formoso, this Balneário is the perfect opportunity to follow fish of various sizes that appear with the ring of a bell.
Besides this phenomenon, visitors can also count on a great local infrastructure, such as a restaurant, kiosks, volleyball court, five trampolines, two zip lines, besides trails, waterfalls, and a playground for children.
If you are still looking for where to stay in Bonito/MS, Ilha Bonita also offers to lodge. This way, you can wake up in the middle of nature to enjoy the beautiful scenery of this paradisiacal place.
Ilha Bonita is a beach resort located on the banks of the Formoso River and has become very popular due to its crystal clear waters and infrastructure designed to welcome tourists throughout the year. This makes it the perfect destination for those who want to enjoy a good rest with tranquility.Balneário Ilha Bonita
5. Balneário Municipal de Bonito

Another perfect place to visit, and even take the kids, is the Balneário Municipal de Bonito. Diferente das outras atrações em Bonito/MS, o Balneário Municipal allows the visit without a tour guide and with free duration.
Like Ilha Bonita, the Balneário of Bonito also encompasses the crystalline waters of Rio Formoso and has a good structure, such as restrooms, ice cream parlorrestaurant and sand volleyball court.
You can enjoy everything the resort has to offer for a whole day and afternoon, play with the kids, relax, and admire the fish.
E, caso você não saiba o que fazer em Bonito/MS em um roteiro de 1 or 2 dias, reserve pelo menos a manhã do primeiro dia nessa área de lazer ao ar livre.
The Balneário Municipal has a complete infrastructure, with places to swim and dive, restaurants, restrooms, and a parking lot. The breathtaking water tractions that the city offers (you can swim right next to the fishes) make this a trip that cannot be left out of your itinerary.Balneário Municipal de Bonito
6. Balneário Nascente Azul

The many attractions available at Balneário Nascente Azul draw a lot of attention from those who visit Bonito.
Among the attractions, there are beautiful landscapes with a great diversity of fish, birds, and plants that frame the paradisiacal scenery.
There is also an ecological swimming pool, beach with kiosk, and waterfall bathing at Capela Beach, where tourists can use the sun loungers, play zip line, and use the bar and restaurant services.
Perfeito para toda a família, sendo possível curtir várias atividades aquáticas e radicais, além de relaxar tomando um banho de sol e aproveitando a paisagem exuberante. Para completar, visite também a extensa área verde habitada por aves!Balneário Nascente Azul
7. Balneário Refúgio da Barra

The Refúgio da Barra é uma atividade imersiva pelas belezas naturais de Bonito/MS, onde as pessoas podem relaxar, recarregar as energias e praticar a flutuação.
It is possible to make a day-use in one of the most crystalline stretches of the Rio Formoso, with a more exclusive service, thanks to the limited number of visitors.
In all, two decks are sharing an area of 200 meters and a space designed to be accessible for those who has problems moving around.
Somando aos atrativos do local, como flutuação e stand-up paddle por um trecho de 600 metros, há também um restaurante com um delicioso cardápio regional. Vale a pena incluir em seu roteiro de viagem.
The resort allows you to enjoy a complete period of tranquility, contact with nature, relaxation, and family fun. It provides infrastructure so that all worries stay outside and you can dedicate yourself to enjoying your moment of plenitude and rest.Balneário Refúgio da Barra
8. Barra do Sucuri

A 1,300-meter boat ride takes visitors to the main deck to float on the Barra do Sucuriin its emerald green waters.
Afinal, essa é a principal atividade a fazer em Bonito/MS quando alguém escolhe a Barra do Sucuri como uma das atrações nas férias.
But, until you get there, you can admire the meeting of the Formoso and Sucuri rivers, in addition to the rich fauna and flora of Bonito/MS.
Só preste atenção para não confundir a Barra do Sucuri com a flutuação no Rio Sucuri (que conheceremos mais à frente), uma vez que este último contempla a nascente do rio.
There is no doubt that this is one of the city's best attractions.
Barra do Sucuri is a float trip down one of the three most crystalline rivers on the planet and one of the most transparent rivers in Brazil.Barra do Sucuri
9. Bio Park Bonito

Essa é uma ótima opção para quem procura o que fazer em Bonito.
The Bio Park is a specialized site in the wildlife refugewhose priority is the health and welfare of the animals that are protected there. They even accept donations over the internet to help feed the animals.
But the site also accepts visits through the 6 hectares of the ecological shelter, with a course of approximately 700 meters.
Isso permite conhecer um pouco mais sobre a fauna silvestre da região, tornando-se uma atividade excelente com crianças, uma vez que elas podem aprender sobre a importância de proteger e cuidar dos animais do nosso Brasil.
Bio Park Bonito is a shelter for the protection of wildlife. The shelter is open to visitors, combining conservation and environmental education in a single placeBio Park Bonito
10. Boca da Onça

The call Boca da Onça é uma atividade de trilha e cachoeira localizado na cidade de Bodoquena, na cidade vizinha de Bonito/MS.
Although the name of this list is what to do in Bonito, it is impossible to think of this region without mentioning Bodoquena and its amazing waterfalls.
Well, in the waterfall Boca da Onça você tem a oportunidade de escolher entre duas modalidades: trilha Discovery ou a trilha Adventure.
Além disso, também possui o maior rapel do Brasil para os aventureiros de plantão (não fica exatamente dentro da Boca da Onça), e os visitantes ainda ganham café da manhã e almoço. Conheça as modalidades abaixo:
- Adventure Trail ? The visitor walks along a 4 km trail with 8 waterfalls, with 4 stops for bathing. In addition, during the walk, it is possible to be amazed by the rich fauna and flora of the Serra da Bodoquena region, and see the surreal scenery of Buraco dos Macacos.
- Discovery Trail ? O passeio começa com muita adrenalina, já que para acessar esse paraíso é preciso descer uma serra com pontos íngremes (somente veículos reduzidos e traçados conseguem). Muita emoção para aqueles que buscam um verdadeiro turismo de aventura na Boca da Onça.
Com tantas atrações no mesmo local, a dica é dedicar um dia inteiro para contemplar e curtir as atividades e as piscinas naturais da Boca da Onça.
The Boca da Onça waterfall is an attraction in itself, but it is not the only one available there. Marvel at the many nature trails, springs, and several other waterfalls that will amaze you, and for the more adventurous it is even possible to abseil down the waterfall! Waterfall Boca da Onça
11. Cross buoy Bonito

Boia Cross is one of the extreme activities you can enjoy on vacation when you travel to Bonito MS, after floating, caves, and waterfalls.
You can perform this activity in 3 different locations, each with its characteristics.
As atividades se realizam no Parque Ecológico Rio Formoso, que é nosso principal afluente da região, mas também no Hotel Cabanas e no Eco Park Porto da Ilha, um dos passeios oferecidos por nós, da Roteiro Bonito MS, que somos uma agência credenciada para o turismo na região.
O atrativo conta com várias atividades de aventura, entre elas o passeio de Bote, o Bike Boat e o Stand Up. Além disso, as boias individuais fazem um percurso de 300 metros, passando por corredeiras do Rio Formoso e acompanhadas de dois monitores por grupo.
O Boia Cross consiste em descer as corredeiras e cachoeiras do Rio Formoso de boia, e pode ser realizado a partir dos 12 anos de idade. Ou seja, mesmo sendo considerado radical, e super divertido, ele é perfeito para ser feito por toda a família!Boia Cross
12. Bosque das Águas

Think of a beach resort with six decks, strategic access to the Rio Formoso, and a kids' area. This is one of the places the kids love and goes by the name of Bosque das Águas.
With a rustic infrastructure, qualified staff in case of accidents, and nature all around, no one is left with nothing to do in Bonito/MS.
The Bosque das Águas é um daqueles lugares onde a família toda aproveita para contemplar as belezas naturais, jogar conversa fora, tomar um banho de sol e comer da própria comida feita na churrasqueira do local. Não é demais?
It is like having a day at the beach, but without the hustle and bustle of the big cities, since in Mato Grosso do Sul tourists can breathe the green of nature.
At Bosque das Águas you will have, without a doubt, contact with nature. You can dive into waterfalls, enjoy beautiful landscapes, and spend pleasant afternoons. In addition, the place is on the banks of the Formoso River, providing one of the most beautiful waterways you will ever see, surrounded by pulsating green vegetation!Bosque das Águas
13. Buraco das Araras to Bonito

The largest Dolina in South America is at Bonito/MS and goes by the name Buraco das Araras. The 100-meter-deep site is a true scarlet macaw shelter, a truly eye-catching beauty.
The scenario taken by the macaws enchants the tourists, who don't miss the chance to register the iconic moment.
Besides the birds that give the attraction its name, there are also other bird species for observation and photography. This is the case of the Laurel Woodpecker, the Red-bellied Surucuá, the Galician Parrot, the Clock Hawk, and the Pantanal Chough, just to name a few birds from Buraco das Araras.
In addition, tourists are invited to learn the "stories" of Seu Modesto, the man behind the "construction" of the Buraco das Araras.
Uma incrível atividade em meio à natureza, em uma incrível formação geológica, entre a fauna e a flora brasileira. Além de observar a natureza, as araras e todos os outros animais que vivem por ali, você também pode aproveitar para praticar rapel, um atrativo para os aventureiros de plantão!Buraco das Araras
14. Peixe River Waterfalls

Swimming among fish and being surrounded by a paradisiacal scenario: who doesn't want to? On the Rio do Peixe Waterfallsit is possible!
Assim como várias atividades em Bonito, aqui também é necessário caminhar pela mata ciliar, sendo o total de 2.000 metros de distância.
There are seven stops for swimming, a trampoline, a jumping platform, waterfalls, and a zip line. You will hardly enter this place and leave without trying the zip line, right?
Very good and relaxing activities that come along with one of the best attractions of the place: the interaction with local animals, such as macaws and monkeys that live on the farm, where all tourists have lunch for free.
There are eleven incredible waterfalls to explore. Including the Cachoeira da Grutinha, where fish swim among the water visitors. In addition, this is also an experience for those who want to know more about the vegetation of the Serra da Bodoquena and the animals of the place, such as monkeys, toucans, and macaws.Rio do Peixe Waterfall
15. Ceita Corê

Speaking of farm, the Ceita Corê is a traditional ranch in the south of Mato Grosso for those who love very rural places and want to experience the pantanalian cuisine.
O visitante terá pela frente duas etapas da Trilha e Cachoeiras Ceita Corê:
- 1st Stage? A 2,000-meter (one-way) hike that takes the traveler over a path with boardwalks and swimming spots;
- 2nd Stage? Getting to know a cave more than 100 meters deep and partially flooded by the Chapena River spring.
Além da beleza natural, os turistas têm o direito ao café da manhã, almoço e lanche da tarde. É ou não é uma das melhores atividades a se fazer em Bonito/MS?
Stay at an incredible farm, with a colonial breakfast and several magnificent attractions around. There are several crystal clear waterfalls right next door for you to jump in and refresh yourself. In addition, there are several other tours to get in touch with nature!Ceita Corê Farm
16. Eco Park Porto da Ilha

An ecological park that kids will love! If you don't know what you can do in Bonito/MS with a child, take the little ones to Eco Park.
We have already mentioned here that Eco Park is one of the Bonito spots to offer Boia Cross, but also dinghy rides, kayaking, and stand-up paddle.
A propósito, as águas esverdeadas permitem um momento tranquilo de stand up, além de alguns saltos na água através de passarelas suspensas.
Besides this, the area is very wooded and you feel like spending the whole day bathing in the waterfalls. It is an experience that no one can fault.
Mesmo com instrutor, se você nunca usou caiaque nem bote, não monte seu roteiro baseado apenas nessas atrações. Isso porque quem não está acostumado, terá dificuldade para controlar os dois ?veículos? e ainda sairá frustrado do local.
So set aside more travel days to learn and stay in control of the situation.
The Eco Park offers several activities that put you in contact with the region's fauna and flora, while you have fun and refresh yourself in the waters of Rio Formoso. The rides can be taken by the whole family, including the elderly and children, with a lot of safety and relaxation.Eco Park Porto da Ilha
17. Estância Mimosa

A very good trail to do in Bonito/MS is the Estância Mimosa. It begins on a farm in Mato Grosso do Sul and extends for more than 2,000 meters by boat.
The route passes 9 waterfalls suitable for bathing, a jumping platform, a natural pool, and viewpoints overlooking Serra da Bodoquena.
Como é realizado com um guia, não há risco de perder atrativos da Estância Mimosa, um dos belos destinos quando você for a Bonito.
Evite ir à Estância Mimosa no período de chuvas (entre December e March, justamente na alta temporada). Nessa época, as águas ficam mais turvas, impossibilitando admirar o seu visual cristalino e verde como de costume.
However, the waterfalls gain prominence with the greater flow, and nature intensifies, becoming greener than at other times.
Get in touch with that characteristic charm of farms that preserve the characteristics of the old headquarters, facing a lake and with a water spring inside the establishment. In addition, Estância Mimosa is the ideal setting for beautiful photo shoots!Estância Mimosa
18. Float Nascente Azul

Se o que você quer fazer em Bonito/MS é flutuação no rio, outra atividade para incluir em seu roteiro de viagem é a Nascente Azul Float (Flutuação Nascente Azul).
After enjoying the bathhouse and other float trips in the Mato Grosso do Sul region, it's time to float among the fish in the delicious blue waters, after a hike of more than 1,000 meters through the riparian forest and the Bacuri Forest.
This is about a half-hour hike but is rewarded by the views of the waterfalls, the fig grove, and the limestone tuffs.
É feito a partir da nascente do Rio Bonit, por meio de uma trilha de cerca de 300 metros que te leva até o local de se equipar para realizar a flutuação. Depois do passeio curta um delicioso almoço e aproveitar a estrutura do Balneário Nascente Azul.Floating Nascente Azul
19. Floating in the Ecological Retreat Rio da Prata

The Silver River é muito conhecido por ser um recanto ecológico, onde você também pode praticar a modalidade de flutuação, mergulho com cilindro, cavalgada e observação de aves.
Upon arrival at the reception, you receive all the necessary equipment to begin practicing the flotation on site, monitored by a guide.
To get to the Rio da Prata, you start a trail that takes about half an hour to reach the deck, where the flotation begins.
The source of the Olho d'Água River impresses with the quantity of fish and the crystalline waters are not far behind. The transparency is thanks to the limestone, very abundant in the region.
Essa não é uma das atividades em Bonito mais baratas (cerca de R$388 para adultos praticarem a flutuação na baixa temporada e R$526 na alta temporada), mas ainda é mais em conta que o Abismo Anhumas.
But be warned: book your trip to Bonito in advance if you want to visit Recanto Ecológico Rio da Prata, because it is very busy.
Also, book for the same day other nearby activities, such as the Buraco das Araras and the Mysterious Lagoon.
The Rio da Prata Flotation is one of the best attractions in the country. It received 5 stars in 2008 and 2009, a rare award that only few attractions have ever won. In addition, the program received the Traveller's Choice 2021 award, making this a ride you can't afford to miss!Floating in the Rio da Prata
20. Floating in the Sucuri River

The Sucuri River é um cartão postal da cidade, uma das principais atrações de Bonito e muito conhecido também pelas suas águas cristalinas. Não é à toa que o rio se tornou famoso mundialmente por estar entre as 10 águas mais cristalinas do mundo.
The Sucuri River is perfect for the practice of floating, done with a small group, accompanied at all times by a boat guide.
For those who are just starting out, it is very nice, since even children as young as 4 years old can practice this activity.
In addition, you can go snorkeling and be dazzled by the beauty of the Sucuri River, which shows how spectacular nature can be.
Ao final, o visitante volta para o receptivo e tem a opção de almoçar na fazenda.
The Sucuri River is not only one of the main rivers in the region but also one of the most sought after in the country. After a short trail through some crystal clear springs, you will arrive at the deck where the flotation on the Sucuri River will begin, very close to the fish!Floating in the Sucuri River (Flutuação no Rio Sucuri)
21. Blue Lake Grotto

O maior cartão-postal e uma das principais atrações de Bonito não pode deixar de fazer parte do seu roteiro de viagem.
The Blue Lake Grotto (Gruta do Lago Azul) is one of the most famous Bonito/MS rides in the region and one of the city's main tourist attractions.
Apesar de ser apenas uma atividade contemplativa, os visitantes adentram a Gruta do Lago Azul de 300 metros de distância, por meio de uma escadaria íngreme com mais de 250 degraus.
Besides the admirable rock formations, the highlight of this attraction is admiring the blue waters, whose effect is given by the sunlight falling on the limestone at the bottom of the blue lake.
This is why they always mention the Blue Lake Grotto when someone looks for what to do in Bonito.
The scenery at the bottom of the cave, discovered in 1924 and protected by IPHAN (Institute for National Historic and Artistic Heritage), is too surreal until it became one of the first tourist attractions in the 1970s.
The Blue Lake is much more beautiful under the incidence of sunlight, however, it is precisely in the summer when it rains the most. The result? Besides the slippery stairs, there is the phenomenon called Piracema, which causes fish to move to the springs to spawn.
Vamos combinar que não tem graça alguma mergulhar nas águas sem ter os peixinhos para acompanhar, não é? Por isso, prefira visitar Bonito na baixa temporada se quiser curtir essa atração.
Be surprised by a 200-meter descent, with more than 300 steps, containing a beautiful lake with a blue tone that varies according to the incidence of sunlight inside the cave. The beauty of the lake and the cave are worth visiting and contemplatingBlue Lake Grotto (Gruta do Lago Azul)
22. Mimoso Cave

Different from the Cave of Lago Azul Mimoso Grotto (Gruta do Mimoso) allows not only to contemplate but also to dive in its waters with 70 meters of depth at some points.
As with other float trips, everyone must wear a special swimsuit (neoprene, vest, wetsuit, and snorkel gear) and wear a helmet when entering the cave.
Once inside, it is impossible not to admire the beauty of the salon, even more so when a flashlight is used to illuminate strategic points in the water.
A curiosity is that this trip to the Mimoso Cave It was closed for 15 years until it reopened. It might be a good idea to add it to your list of what to do in Bonito/MS before it is closed again.
A spectacular and breathtaking attraction, what is also very impressive is that after more than 15 years closed for visitation, the Mimoso Cave reopened to receive tourists in early 2022 and has been a complete success ever since.Mimoso Grotto (Gruta do Mimoso)
23. Gruta da Catedral (antiga Gruta São Mateus)

Who says it is impossible to visit Bonito during the rainy season? Algumas atrações podem até ser cancelados devido a temporais, mas uma chuva leve não vai impedir sua aventura por uma caverna impressionante.
The Gruta da Catedral (antiga Gruta São Mateus) is part of the Bonito Cave Complex and occupies about 50 hectares of the site. To get there, you must walk along a 5-meter-high hanging trail, reach the woods, and continue the 320-meter trail to the cave entrance.
The starting point is the Kadiwéu Cultural Museum, which, although it is far from the cave, is often said that there is a museum in the cave since tourists begin their journey there.
One of the visitors' favorite activities is to take pictures of the animals found along the way and inside the cave.
There are also the famous geological formations, such as stalagmites and coralloids, of different colors and shapes, that line the cave perfectly.
Quem já viu a beleza arquitetônica das catedrais medievais góticas, reconhece o estilo moldado pela natureza – essa é uma boa opção do que fazer em Bonito.
Sua formação de rochas lembra, em sua arquitetura exterior, as catedrais góticas da era medieval. É possível realizar caminhadas guiadas pelo interior da montanha, percorrando várias trilhas subterrâneas que o levará de um lado ao outro. Além disso, aproveite também para tirar fotos incríveis durante toda a atividade!Gruta da Catedral (antiga Gruta São Mateus)
24. Sao Miguel Caves

Another amazing cave to visit in Bonito even with rain is the St. Michael's Grotto (Gruta de São Miguel).
O motivo para você adicioná-la em seu rol de atrações na cidade é quase o mesmo que São Mateus: ela faz parte do Complexo de Grutas e possui belas construções geológicas.
The whole view from Sao Miguel Grotto is so fascinating that you feel like you are on a movie set!
It is like another world that you reach via a suspended walkway, using different starting points.
The advantage here is that this cave has the good external infrastructure and internal rooms for exploration.
Uma dica: inclua em seu roteiro de viagem uma visita pelo Lago Azul, pois fica bem próximo de São Miguel.
The São Miguel Cave offers underground contemplative tours full of geological formations, mainly speleothems formed thousands of years ago. The tours start with the bridges that are suspended from the treetops. This is one of the closest tourist attractions in the city of BonitoSt. Michael's Grotto (Gruta de São Miguel)
25. Lagoa Misteriosa (Uma das principais atrações de Bonito)

The name is not for nothing. A Mysterious Lagoon (Lagoa Misteriosa) has a great mystery surrounding its real depth. It is known, however, that it is more than 200 meters deep and that its waters are very crystalline.
There, tourists go snorkeling and diving and are enchanted by the mystery that hangs in the air and by the beauty inside and outside the Mysterious Lagoon.
Mas, antes de anotar essa atividade como parte do seu roteiro, é bom saber que a Mysterious Lagoon (Lagoa Misteriosa) is a great attraction only in the low season.
This is because, during the high season, which coincides with the summer and the rainy season, the attraction undergoes the phenomenon of algae proliferation. Furthermore, it is impossible to do flotation and diving in the Lagoa Misteriosa.
De qualquer forma, isso não quer dizer que o inverno em Bonito não possa ser aproveitado.
Enfim, pense na melhor época para viajar a Bonito e quais as atrações mais adequadas para cada período, assim, você não perde tempo.
Have you ever thought of floating in a place where the depth is unknown? Well, that's exactly what the Mystery Lagoon is all about! There, besides floating, you can also dive and explore a little more of these mysterious waters. A trip for those with courage!Floating in the Mysterious Lagoon
26. Diving Rio da Prata

Besides flotation, Recanto Ecológico Silver River also offers scuba diving in its clear waters.
As the city of Bonito is the main tourist destination in Mato Grosso do Sul and one of the main activities is to explore the rivers and lakes, the Rio da Prata guarantees the opportunity to dive and be enchanted by the variety of local fish.
Best of all, you don't need to know how to swim. There is training and a guide to ensure your safety during your aquatic adventure.
Therefore, be sure to include Rio da Prata diving and floating as one of the attractions of your trip.
This is a unique tour, where visitors can go scuba diving in the river, and observe the beauties that nature has to offer. The fascination comes precisely from the encounter with several shoals of fish that inhabit the place.Diving Rio da Prata
27. Parque das Cachoeiras

Caves, spas, rivers, and waterfalls? the city of Bonito is really surrounded by such natural beauty and tourist attractions that it is difficult to put together an itinerary for a few days.
But if your travel intention is to focus on places with waterfalls, don't ignore the Waterfalls Park (Parque das Cachoeiras).
In all, there are seven swimming spots, a wooden walkway with handrails (safer for children and the elderly), and contemplation of the region's fauna and flora.
Among the seven waterfalls, the last one is known as a meeting point for adventurers, because of a 7-meter high zip line to a pool. All of them are worth visiting but don't forget your bathing suit.
It all starts with an ecological walk, which offers purification and connection with nature, which is very good for mental health. In all, the park has 7 waterfalls, meaning that you will have the opportunity to bathe in up to 7 different places!Waterfalls Park (Parque das Cachoeiras)
28. Praia da Figueira

You may not believe it, but Bonito has a beach too, and it is one of the most beautiful in Brazil!
The Praia da Figueira has fresh, blue, warm water all year round, and also has a lagoon with an incredible 60,000 m².
Visitors can swim side by side with the fish and even admire them from the top of the fig trees for a beautiful photo.
Besides all the convenience, such as kiosks and wi-fi, those who go to Bonito swimming in Praia da Figueira You can also practice radical activities, such as zip-lining and stand-up paddle.
A year-round destination for countless tourists, Praia da Figueira in Bonito is an artificial freshwater beach formed around a 60,000-meter-long crystal-clear lagoon. You may not be able to ride the waves, but you will enjoy the ride!Praia da Figueira
29. Projeto Jibóia

For those seeking knowledge and a dose of adventure, it is worth checking out Projeto Jibóia.
The project consists of a lecture about the boa constrictor, to dissociate the idea of a dangerous snake, and also allows the visitor to get very close to the animal.
You can be brave enough to take pictures and show your adventures on social networks during your exploration of this wildlife.
Cool, isn't it?
The idea of this program is to bring everyone a different experience, focused on environmental education about this species: the boa constrictor. In the project, several curiosities are presented, plus some tips about this species, and knowledge about the life of snakes. How about even putting a snake around your neck?Project boa constrictor
30. Serra da Bodoquena

The waterfalls Serra da Bodoquena, about 70 km from the center of Bonito, are a separate attraction on your trip to the natural paradise destination.
Located in the Serra da Bodoquena National Park, in an area with Atlantic Forest reserves and Pantanal, the waterfalls are easily accessible via a 2.5 km light trail.
Tourists are entitled to 8 stops for bathing in waterfalls, and also a boat ride on the Betione River.
The route is accompanied by a guide, including first aid and insurance in case of accidents, all to ensure maximum safety while you have fun.
Se você adora atividades em cachoeira, não deixe de conhecer esse atrativo na região de Bonito e aproveite cada segundo da sua viagem nesse lugar esplêndido, com ampla infraestrutura para turismo, garantindo muito conforto e segurança para as suas férias.
Don't miss the chance to visit this waterfall complex, with several magnificent guided trails and natural pools for you to bathe in and 'wash your soul'. In addition, there is also a delicious lunch with all the typical dishes of the Bonito region, so you can get into the local atmosphere!Serra da Bodoquena Waterfall
Attention: you may need a transfer from Campo Grande to Bonito
Bonito possui atrações variadas e cheias de atividades para toda a família, mas isso não basta para o seu roteiro de viagem.
The transportation used is also of great importance when deciding what to do in the city of Bonito since depending on how many days to stay in the regionIt is best to use faster transportation.
Public transportation is not an option, and taxis can be very expensive.
If you land at the Campo Grande Airport, the state capital, you can take the transfer Campo Grande to Bonito.
The transfer from Campo Grande to downtown can be done by van, bus, or minibus and the cost is low, especially if it is shared.
However, it is not enough to just arrive and ask for a transfer at Campo Grande Airport. It is necessary to book the tickets in advance to avoid having to pay for a cab.
If you intend to stay in Bonito for a long time, rent a car might be a good idea.
Não gosta de mergulhar?
Embora grande parte das atividades em Bonito envolva mergulho, sabemos que algumas pessoas não gostam muito de atividades aquáticas.
Se você é desse grupo, pode aproveitar para curtir tirolesas, rapel, grutas secas, fazendas com atividades diversas, o Projeto Jibóia, o Aquário de Bonito e os balneários (falamos aqui de passeios sem ser mergulho).
However, if you like water, but don't want to dive, you can do float trips, visit the waterfalls, enjoy the rivers in the region, venture into the Boia Cross and visit the flooded caves of Bonito.
Gostou das dicas sobre os principais pontos turísticos de bonito?
São tantas atrações e atividades em diferentes lugares em Bonito que fica difícil saber quais deles incluir em seu roteiro de viagem, não é?
But by following our tips on fantastic places to visit, your days in this ecotourism paradise will be well spent.
Não sabe como fazer suas reservas? Fale com a Roteiro Bonito MS hoje mesmo por e-mail ou por WhatsApp e prepare-se para se encantar com um dos melhores destinos brasileiros!
When not to go for Bonito?
Although Bonito has excellent sights and beauties to enjoy all year round, a bad time to travel is during the rainy season. The recommendation, therefore, is to avoid the months of December to March, when there is a higher incidence of storms, besides being high season, which increases the prices of tours.
What can't you miss in Bonito?
The rides to bathhouses, flooded caves, float trips, trails, and waterfalls are among the tours that tourists can't miss in Bonito.
4 Responses
Tenho criança, qual lugar seria o ideal para eu visitar? quero que tenha oarquinho, agua que ela possa entrar, restaurante, mas tb tem adultos.
Oi Liliane, como vai?
Entre em contato comigo no WhatsApp que ficarei feliz em ajudá-la com um roteiro ideal para seu filho! ?
Simplesmente fantástica a sua explicação sobre este paraíso nacional.
Parabéns pela ampla abordagem e agradeço todas as dicas dadas neste artigo!!!
Obrigado pelo feedback, Denilson.