Where is Bonito Brazil? Location and Major Nearby Capitals
Sobre a autor: Thiago Araújo vive em Bonito/MS há 10 anos, conhece o melhor da cidade e é proprietário da agência de Turismo Roteiro Bonito MS.
You have heard about the city many times, but you don't know very well where is Bonito? Then, follow the content to the end to find out!
Brazil is a country full of natural beauties, as is the case of cities like Foz do Iguaçu, Porto de Galinhas and Fernando de Noronha.
But among these options, a big highlight goes to Bonito, which is one of the main tourist centers in the whole country.
In Bonito we have a lot of cavesThe city is also home to several waterfalls and rivers that attract thousands of visitors at all times of the year.
So you don't have to travel to places like South Korea, Federated States of Micronesia, Isle of Man, South Africa, or Antigua and Barbuda to be able to enjoy the best that nature has to offer!
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Where is Bonito Brazil?

The city of Bonito is located in the state of Mato Grosso do Sulin the Midwest region of Brazil. Its distance to the state capital, Campo Grande, is only 265 km.
More precisely, it is in the southwestern mesoregion of the state, within the micro-region of Bodoquenain Serra da Bodoquena. In this case, the municipalities bordering Bonito/MS are:
- NorthMiranda and Bodoquena;
- EastNioaque and Aquidauana;
- South: Garden and Guia Lopes da Laguna;
- WestPorto Murtinho.
It is a tourist town, which has ecotourism as one of its main sources of economy. Nevertheless, agriculture and cattle breeding are also extremely important.
Overall, it is a small town, with about 23 thousand inhabitantsBut it knew how to prepare itself very well to receive the visitors and that is why it has a great infrastructure.
Already your land area is 4,934.318 km²It is a place full of natural attractions that attract tourists to the region.
Besides, it is relatively easy get around in Bonitoas we have already shown here.
Main capitals close to Bonito
Now that you understand a little more about the city and where Bonito/MS is, let's look at its distance to some capitals:
- Cuiabá (MT) - 848 km;
- Brasília (DF) - 1,399 km;
- Rio de Janeiro (RJ) - 1609 km;
- São Paulo (SP) - 1,186 km;
- Curitiba (PR) - 1,178 km;
- Porto Alegre (RS) - 1467 km;
- Fortaleza (CE) - 3466;
- Salvador (BA) - 2680 km;
- Manaus (AM) - 3354 km.
Bonito/MS Training History
The beginning of the formation of the city of Bonito happened through the Rincão Bonito Farm, in the 19th century. Then, in 1915, the place ended up becoming a District, Paz de Bonito, belonging to the municipality of Miranda.
It only became an independent municipality in 1948, when there was only the gigantic state of Mato Grosso.
During its very formation, there were many internal conflicts within the state's territory, with separatist disputes. Thus, it was only in 1977 that Mato Grosso do Sul came into being, encompassing the area where the city of Bonito is.
This was a direct decision by the then president of Brazil, General Ernesto Geisel, and was an important step towards improving Bonito.
While integrating Mato Grosso, the distance to the state capital (Cuiabá) was gigantic, about 848 km. And this interfered directly with the attention the place received.
Then, with the founding of the new state, the capital became Campo Grande, less than 300 km away.
It was from this point on that the region where Bonito is located really began to become what it is today.
Attractions of Bonito/MS
Bonito (Mato Grosso do Sul) is not considered one of the main tourism poles in Brazil for nothing. After all, it concentrates a great number of attractions.
As already mentioned, this is a city that has the exploitation of natural areas as its main emphasis.
Although the region is far from the coast, the absence of beaches is compensated by the waterfalls, spas, and rivers that exist there.
Visitors to Bonito can venture, for example, into exploring the Blue Lake Grotto (Gruta do Lago Azul)which is the main postcard of the city.
The site is a flooded cave, with a beautiful, deep blue lake that visitors can contemplate.
In addition, other tours that are also very successful are diving and floating in the water channels of the rivers, dolines, and caves of Bonito.
The city offers perfect conditions for this activity, due to the crystallinity of its waters, which are truly impressive.
A good example of this is Sucuri RiverIt is the most transparent river in the country, offering very high visibility of its marine environment.
Other options, such as the Rio da Prata, Rio Formoso, or even the Baía Bonita River, are not far behind either.
Bathing in bathhouses - such as the Nascente Azul and the Praia da Figueira - and the waterfall trails - like the Boca da Onça and the Bodoquena Mountains - are more attractive than integrating the region where Bonito is located.
Bonito is waiting for your visit!

Understand where is Bonito is fundamental to understanding the attractions that a trip to the city has to offer.
In addition, the distance the destination is from other regions is also an important point to note.
By the way, since it is located in Brazil's Midwest, Bonito/MS ends up being a route close to all the other regions in the country.
So you don't have to go so far away to enjoy a dream adventure.
You can make several trips in Bonito and build incredible itineraries, including a roadmap including Pantanal.
Did you like our tips? Book your tours with Roteiro Bonito MS today, by e-mail or WhatsApp, and come to know this paradise!
Which region is Bonito?
The city of Bonito/MS is in Brazil's Midwest region, in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul.
What state is Bonito in?
The city of Bonito is in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, in the Center-West region of Brazil.